I am a stay at home Mother to four BEAUTIFUL angels. They are my life. I can not imagine a life where I did not have them. I am married to a man I have known since about 5th grade, and he is the BEST thing that could have ever happened to me. He is the calm, collected yin to my crazy, neurotic yang!!
I recently started a "little" business on Facebook and attending Festivals in the local area. It has grown much larger than I could imagine in less than a year, but I am ever so grateful for everything it has provided me. Not only has the income been MUCH appreciated while going through a very hard time financially, but I have met the most wonderful people while selling products that I love to make!! I have made lifelong friends that I may not have otherwise found!
I could write a book about my life experience....but then again, what is this blog for?!?! So, I am sure I will tell some very personal stories on here....hopefully, I won't be judged too harshly....there are just so many things that I would like to get off my chest. Granted, I may have to change dates and names to protect the guilty ;) and keep me out of jail, not to mention the fact that, once on the net it is always there...but hopefully I can keep you entertained ;) So, if there is anything you would like to know, I am an open book...err, webpage ;)