Saturday, September 24, 2011

What Does MS Stand For?

MS means: Major Struggle. Menacing Sickness. Maybe Someday. My Sentence. Might Stumble. Malfunctioning System. Money Sucker. Many Symptoms. Mean Spots. Medication Shackles. Missing Something. Moving Slower. Mind Slipping. Memory Sucks. Myellin Scars. Moping Sometimes. Madly Searching. Marbles Stolen. Major Set-back. Motor Sputters. Multiple Scars. Multiple Sclerosis. One day, I hope it has one meaning....Mystery Solved

Today, I finally started a MS keep track of all the good days and the bad.    I am VERY hopeful to the Good outweighing the bad, but knowing this disease, I am not as optimistic as I would like to be.  So, on top of doing the MS Diary, I am also going to post on here AT LEAST every other day about the "good" things that happened to me with my life or my girls.  I need to stay positive and hopefully, this will help me REALLY concentrate on it :)